EDUTAINMENT – a form of entertainment designed to educate and amuse. This term was used as early as1954 by WALT DISNEY to describe the True Life Adventure series. Edutainment, both inside and outside the classroom, helps to make learning fun.
- Seeking education is possible anywhere and everywhere . COVID 19 has made it possible much faster than expected. Traditional Schooling was put on hold since March 2020 and alternate education was not adequately planned for immediate implementation, especially during Lockdown.
- Personalized learning needs encouragement on a large scale. A better understanding of Theoretical subjects can be enhanced through Creativity and Visualization, Technology serves to entertain the user through a two way communication channel .
- Engaging students, who are raised in a hyper-stimulated environment, interactive learning sharpens critical thinking skills which is the base to the development of analytic reasoning. This system has been proved to be effective six times more in students learning activities, so it is the most appropriate method to apply during this post pandemic situation of COVID-19.
- Top priority is needed to improve NETWORK RELATED ISSUES in remote areas as to enhance the learning activity among Rural Children.
- Paperless activities is being widely encouraged, as part of this mission voluntary agencies can be entrusted the responsibility of adopting such areas to equip learners with required EDUCATIONAL KIT – HANDS ON.